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Roger Hertog Program on Law and National Security

Faculty Co-Chair: Philip C. Bobbitt

Faculty Co-Chair: Matthew Waxman

(212) 854-0084

Jerome Greene

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The Roger Hertog Program on Law and National Security focuses particularly on the role of domestic law in national security matters from the perspective of both lawyers and policymakers. The contours of the dynamic field of national security law are in constant flux, being shaped and reshaped each year in light of emerging challenges posed by the inevitability of globalization.

“The goal of the program is to expose students and others to real-world challenges and dilemmas facing government officials, to enrich our study of both the law and the role of lawyers inside government,” says Professor Matthew Waxman.

The Roger Hertog Program on Law and National Security features a rigorous and innovative curriculum in national security law that draws on the unique government experience of our permanent and adjunct faculty, and supports research by faculty members and students to produce policy-relevant scholarship on cutting-edge issues as a lasting contribution to the field.


Roger Hertog Program on Law and National Security
National Security and Law Society

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