José Pascal da Rocha is a faculty member and lecturer with the M.S. program on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution. He is also an Adjunct Professor with the City University of New York, teaching on leadership and management, and a lecturer with the Center for Conflict Studies at the University of Marburg, Germany, teaching courses in political science. He is also a political adviser and mediator expert. [ ... ]
Elsa Stamatopoulou joined Columbia in 2011. Her arrival marked the completion of distinguished service at the United Nations (Vienna, Geneva and New York) with some 22 years dedicated to human rights. Indigenous issues were part of her portfolio since 1983 and she became the first Chief of the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in 2003. Last year she taught the first ever course a [ ... ]
Francesco Mancini is Non-resident Senior Adviser at the International Peace Institute (IPI), where he was previously Senior Director of Research. His work focuses on geostrategic analysis, multilateral diplomacy, global governance, armed conflicts and the means to prevent and solve them. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore, where he teaches negotiatio [ ... ]
Philippe Vandenbroeck co-founded the Belgium-based futures consultancy shiftN, a network of professionals that works with leading organizations using systems thinking, multi-stakeholder dialogue, and design to better understand complex systems. With a background in bio-engineering, philosophy, and urban planning, for the last 20 years he has used systems thinking approaches to study complex business and societal issues su [ ... ]
Dr. Peter T. Coleman holds a Ph.D. in Social-Organizational Psychology from Columbia University. He is Professor of Psychology and Education at Columbia University where he holds a joint-appointment at Teachers College and The Earth Institute and teaches courses in Conflict Resolution, Social Psychology, and Social Science Research. Dr. Coleman is Director of the Morton Deutsch International Center for Cooperation an [ ... ]
Professor Deutsch, an eminent social psychologist, has been widely honored for his scientific contributions involving research on cooperation and competition, social justice, group dynamics, and conflict resolution. He has published extensively and is well known for his pioneering studies in intergroup relations, social conformity, and the social psychology of justice. His books include: Interracial Housing Theories [ ... ]
Macartan Humphreys (Ph.D., Harvard, 2003) works on the political economy of development and formal political theory. Ongoing research focuses on civil wars, post-conflict development, ethnic politics, natural resource management, political authority and leadership, and democratic development. He uses a variety of methods including survey work, lab experimentation, field experimentation, econometric analysis, game theoreti [ ... ]
I study modern state formation in conflict and post-conflict settings. In particular, I have spent the last several years studying the role of warlords in the state building project in post-2001 Afghanistan. I am fascinated by the challenges weak political centers face as they attempt to grow their authority in the face of formidable competitors. Unlikely alliances sometimes form that turn strongmen into governors operati [ ... ]
Since January 2002, I have been a faculty member at Teachers College, Columbia University, and am currently on faculty in Programs in Anthropology and Education and Applied Anthropology. I am also affiliated with the Universidad Iberoamericana in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic, and with Mwenge University College of Education in the Kilimanjaro region of Tanzania. My research examines a number of key issues in the [ ... ]
Claudia E. Cohen is a Senior Lecturer in the Social-Organizational Program at Teachers College and was Associate Director of the MD-ICCCR from 2008 to 2015. As a scholar-practitioner of conflict studies, her career has combined research, practice and teaching in a range of settings. Her most recent publications include a chapter in the upcoming 3rd edition of the Handbook of Conflict Resolution (Deutsch, Coleman & Ma [ ... ]
Menachem Z. Rosensaft, is General Counsel of the World Jewish Congress. He is also Adjunct Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, and Distinguished Visiting Lecturer at Syracuse University College of Law. Born on May 1, 1948 in the Displaced Persons camp of Bergen-Belsen, the son of two survivors of Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, he has long been a leader in Holocaust remembrance activities. On September 22, 2010, Preside [ ... ]
Michael Doyle specializes in international relations theory, international security, and international organizations. Doyle previously served as assistant secretary-general and special adviser to United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan from 2001 to 2003. His responsibilities included strategic planning (Millennium Development Goals), outreach to the international corporate sector (the Global Compact), and [ ... ]
Aldo Civico is a leading peace-building strategist and a conflict resolution expert. He is the founder and the director of the International Institute for Peace at Rutgers University, Newark. An anthropologist, he is currently assistant professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Rutgers University. In Italy he is the author of La Scelta (Piemme, 1993), the intellectual biography of Ennio Pintacuda, the m [ ... ]
Dirk Salomons is the director of the Program for Humanitarian Affairs at the School of International Public Affairs, Columbia University, where he also heads the International Organizations specialization. In his research as well as in teaching, Salomons focuses on the interaction between policy and management in humanitarian operations; he has a particular interest in the transition from relief to recovery in count [ ... ]
Dr. Naira Musallam heads Research and Development for North and Latin America at YSC, Ltd , a business psychology firm, where she supports the expanding Americas business in the areas of innovation, research and analysis with clients in various sectors including finance, energy, insurance, pharmaceutical, luxury goods, media and technology, and other services. Naira has worked in the research and development space fo [ ... ]
Séverine Autesserre is a an expert in war, peace, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, humanitarian aid, and African politics. She currently works as a Professor of Political Science, specializing in international relations and African studies, at Barnard College, Columbia University. Dr. Autesserre was awarded an AC4 interdisciplinary research award in 2010 and 2011 (competitive renewal) for her work on international interven [ ... ]
Ted Perlmutter is a technology consultant and information systems architect. He is responsible for Web site coordination and database development, and has been involved in creation of the Religious Peacemaking Database project. Perlmutter’s research interests focus on how Internet technology can promote knowledge networks among political and social activists. Presently a visiting fellow at the Center for Europ [ ... ]
Dr. Shahar Sadeh is the Director of the Faculty Engagement Program at the Jewish Community Relation Council of NY. Since 2014 she has been working with faculty members all across NYC to create and enhance nuance discussions about Israel and the Israeli Palestinian conflict on university and college campuses. She curated and led many academic events, workshops as well as academic study tours to Israel and the Palestinian [ ... ]
Dr. Donna Hicks is an Associate at the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University where she chairs the Herbert C. Kelman Seminar on International Conflict. Her work is devoted to advancing the understanding of international and interethnic conflicts, and developing interactive processes that can be effective in managing or resolving such conflicts. Donna has 20 years of experience as a facilitator du [ ... ]
Graeme Simpson is working as an independent consultant and Senior Advisor to the Director General of Interpeace, a global peacebuilding organization headquartered in Geneva. Interpeace is working in 18 conflict and immediate post-conflict zones around the world. He has worked extensively on issues related to transitional justice, including work with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and on the transfo [ ... ]
Santiago Ortiz is Head at Moebio Labs, a team of data scientists, data visualization developers, and designers who work on advanced interactive visualization projects of large data sets. He specializes in exploratory information visualization, knowledge maps, and visual data science - a fusion of machine learning and interaction. As a consultant, he has worked on projects to improve the communication strategy of organizat [ ... ]
Scott Smith was a political affairs officer in the United Nations for 12 years, most of those working on Afghanistan, including as the senior political affairs officer and team leader for Afghanistan within the Department of Peacekeeping Operations between 2007 and 2009, and Special Assistant to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Afghanistan, Kai Eide, between 2009 and 2010. He also participated in the [ ... ]
Nick Redding is Program Coordinator of the Dynamical Systems and Conflict research projects with the Advanced Consortium on Cooperation, Conflict and Complexity (AC4) at the Earth Institute, Columbia University. He is also in the final phases of completing his doctorate in Social-Organizational Psychology at Teachers College, Columbia University. Currently, he is researching leadership complexity in complex confli [ ... ]
David L. Phillips is currently Director of the Program on Peace-building and Rights at Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights. Phillips has worked as a senior adviser to the United Nations Secretariat and as a foreign affairs expert and senior adviser to the U.S. Department of State. He has held positions as a visiting scholar at Harvard University’s Center for Middle East Studies, [ ... ]
Tseliso Thipanyane, B.Sc., LL.B., and LL.M., is the former chief executive officer of the South African Human Rights Commission and is currently an independent consultant on human rights, democracy and good governance. Thipanyane is a member of the advisory board of the Children Institute of the University of Cape Town in South Africa and a member of the advisory board of the Council for the Advancement of South Africa's [ ... ]